Green season (mid-November to end-April)
It is not raining all the time but short rain showers can occur, so make sure you have a light raincoat. The green season is ideal for:
• Birding, as all migrant birds are in Africa calling, breeding and nesting
• Sightings of reptiles and amphibians is good
• viewing the many flowering-plant species
• The bush is thick and water spread out through the park, so large animal viewing may not be as good as in the dry season
Golden season (mid-May to mid-December)
With the drier weather there is less free-standing water available and mammal concentrations at water points improves. Due to less vegetation a visit in the dry season is ideal for:
• Seeing large mammals
• Sitting by waterholes and observing the animals
• Predator viewing at waterholes is rewarding
June to August are cooler months
- Daytime temperature up to 25°C
- Nighttime temperature down to 3°C)
September to November is hot
- daytime temperature in the 30°C range,
- nighttime temperature between 10°C – 15°C)